Baptism SundAY - aUGUST 7TH

If  you are ready to take the next step in your relationship with Jesus, or simply want to learn more about baptism, then sign up to attend our baptism class on Sunday, July 24th at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 am.  A class for children ages 9-14 will be Sunday,  July 31st following the11:30 a.m. The class is a requirement for baptism.

Baptism will take place on Sunday, August 7th in both services.

To register for the class, to be baptized or for more information, complete the form here:

Friends and Family Church Picnic

Join us for family fun, food, music and games at our annual Friends and Family church picnic.  We'll provide the burger or hotdog, bring your favorite picnic food for your family. Sign up is needed.

Many hands make light work. Help is needed in a few areas. Sign up to assist and still have time to enjoy the picnic.  For more information or to volunteer, submit this form: