connect to gROW AND sTRENGTHEN

We love when the entire family comes together on Sunday mornings, but we know to grow in our relationship with Jesus and others, we need something a little smaller.  The goal of our ministries is to help you connect with others who are in the same season of life, forming close-knit communities to navigate the ups and downs of those seasons together. From the youngest to the oldest, men, women, single or married, there is a place for you to connect, learn, serve and grow. 

  • Children

    We're excited to partner with parents to help our little ones develop a growing relationship with Jesus. Our ministries for toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school students are designed to lay the foundation for kids to have continued conversations about God and what He's doing in their lives at home. Learn more about:

  • Students

    We know that the middle and high schools years are a time where students are most in need of community and someone to walk alongside them as they grow. Our student ministry provides just that, connecting students with one another as well as with leaders who want to support them in their journeys. Both middle and high school groups meet weekly, each focusing on worship, teaching, and small groups to encourage students in their faith. Learn more about:

  • Men

    Linking with strong, godly men that have your back in a real and relevant way is priceless in today's world.  Our Men's Ministry strives to provide a brotherhood where you will be valued for your individuality, encouraged in your faith and challenged to become all that God has created you to be. Learn more about:


    Women wear so many hats but we all have common experiences that bind us. If you need a sister to celebrate with, a listening ear or a place to discover and grow in your identity as a woman of God, then this ministry is for you. Learn more about:

  • Marriage

    Marriage is about two becoming one. But that is sometimes easier said than lived. Whether you've been married two years or 20+, this ministry offers a place to find the guidance, support and encouragement you and your spouse need in order to experience the marriage relationship that God intended for you. Learn more about:


    Good things happen when we focus on others. Whatever your gifts, talents and personality, there is a place where you can plug in and make a difference.  It's amazing what God will do in you while you are doing good for others.