Faith Fellowship Church

Our Vision

We are a multicultural, multigenerational church of individuals and families united as one family in God.

Our Mission

To Reach those not yet a part of God's family.

To Recruit more family members.

To help them Grow in their relationship with Jesus and be Strengthened as disciples of Christ. 

Our Purpose

That individuals will grow in the fullness of God.

That lives, families and communities will be transformed by the love of God.

That we will be equipped to impact our world for Christ. 

What We Believe

We believe that the Gospel of Christ is the hope of the world, and it's the heart of the church to bring that hope to others. This belief is the foundation of our church and informs all we preach, teach and practice. 

Additionally we believe: 

...there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

...that Jesus is the son of God, fully God and fully man, who took on humanity to reveal God to the world.  We believe in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, and his death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection creating a way for us to have restored relationship with God and life eternal with Him.

...that salvation is by grace alone, a free gift of God to those who believe on Jesus, confess Him as Lord and commit to live for Him.

...that the Bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.

…that the Holy Spirit dwells in believers empowering them to live a Godly life, grants them spiritual gifts to be used in service to His people and perfecting the saints for the work of ministry.

...that all people are made in the image and likeness of God and that salvation is available to all through Jesus Christ.