Kids of Faith Children's Ministry

Our mission is to equip children with a growing faith in Jesus Christ and a heart to share His love with others. By partnering with parents, we want to teach children about the life-changing love of Christ and how it applies to their lives right now—no matter how old they are! It's our hope that children will not only grasp the message of God's love for themselves, but understand how important it is to share that message with those around them as well.

The goal of our Kids of Faith Ministry is to partner with parents to Reach, Recruit, Grow, and Strengthen the next generation of Jesus followers. We aim to do it in a way that every child and family feels valued and experiences the love of Jesus in all His diversity.

Our Sunday Morning Kids of Faith groups for K-6 graders will meet every second and fourth Sunday starting October 10!


Our Sunday Morning Kids of Faith Ministry is currently for kids in Kindergarten - 6th grade.

Our K-3 graders will meet together while 4th - 6th graders will meet together. 

Families will need to complete a one time registration form for each child that will attend. This information will allow for a quicker check-in process each Sunday.

To register your child(ren), go here.

What to Expect

We are excited to have our Sunday Morning Kids of Faith ministry back!  In an effort to keep our families healthy, the following protocols will be in place beginning October 10:

  1. Face coverings are required for all Team Members and kids grades K-6 while in our Kids of Faith Groups/Classes.
  2. K-6 graders will start off in the sanctuary for worship.  After worship they will be dismissed to their classes.
  3. Kids should be checked-in and receive their name tags before entering the sanctuary.
  4. Kids of Faith Team members will escort kids to their classes. Parents are asked to remain in the check-in area when dropping off and picking up children.
  5. For more information check out our Parent Handbook.